Would you like to lend a hand?
We’ve got lots of way that you can be involved!
The RUSC, with all its volunteers, work all year long to bring you what we feel is the best sport ever. This club would not exist without the work and support of a multitude of volunteers and sponsors. We need dedicated volunteers to help us throughout the year. As a bonus, you can earn your $50 volunteer fee back after 4 hours of approved work.
Club Volunteer
Volunteers help with the preparation, execution and set up/tear down of club & community events. Be a team manager and help out at the many venues during SoccerFest. Our Office Administrator can also use assistance particularly during Registration time. We are looking for dedicated, hardworking and passionate individuals who are willing to volunteer their time to help the Club while completing volunteer requirements for post-secondary diplomas. Ready to help? Please contact us today.
Volunteer Coach
Interested in coaching your son or daughter for the season? Looking to get your community hours for high school? Have a general passion for the game and want to try your hand at coaching a team? We’re always looking for Volunteer Coaches for our league programs. We will even provide training! Coaching is both a fun and rewarding experience. Check out our Coaching Page and become a volunteer coach today!
Volunteer Executive Committee Member
Do you enjoy working towards a common goal? From Equipment manager to Secretary, the club has a role that can certainly match your skill set. We are looking for dedicated, hardworking and passionate individuals who are willing to volunteer their time to help the Club achieve its mandate. Have a look at our current Executive Committee. Ready to help? Contact us today.