You can register online or in person at the RUSC office at
687 Laurier Street Rockland during office hours.
1. Registration deadlines
Registration and full payment for the recreational and competitive teams must be received before May 1. It is important that players are registered and paid up on time as RUSC must have the teams in place by May 15.
Note: The Adult OCSL teams are not formed by RUSC but by the team itself, therefore players of OCSL teams do not have late registration fee.
2. Waiting list
Registrations received on or after May 1 will be placed on a waiting list in order to allow RUSC time to create the teams. By May 15, those on the waiting list will be placed on teams requiring additional players. RUSC will do its best to ensure that all those who register before May 1 are placed on a team.
3. Proof of Age
A player registering for the first time with the RUSC must show proof of birth date, either by coming to the office, by mail or submitting electronically, a copy of his/her birth certificate, health card or passports.
4. Family Fee Structure
1st child, normal registration fee
2nd child, normal registration fee
3rd child, normal registration fee less $ 25.00
4th child, free.
5. Refund Policy
Full refund until 30th April
From 1 to 31 May, minus $25 administrative fee
From 1 to 30 June, 50% of registration cost
From 1 July, no refund
Procedure for refund:
All refund requests must be made in writing. Forward request for refund to RUSC at: office@rocklandsoccer.org
The request for refund must include the player’s name, date of birth and mailing address.
RUSC will attempt to process all refunds within 15 days of the date of receipt.
6. Non sufficient funds policy
A $50 administrative fee will be charged for each NSF cheque. Player(s) will not be registered nor be eligible to participate in RUSC soccer activities until NSF administrative charges and registration fees are paid in full and cleared. In the event of an NSF cheque, only cash or money order will be accepted.